Welcome to our website. I founded Immicom Consultants in September 1989. Now, 33 years later, the time has come for me to retire.
As a result, Immicom Consultants will close its doors on September 1, 2022. All Immicom immigration activities will therefore cease on that date, as there is no subsidiary or representative authorized to pursue its immigration activities and even less to use its name ''Immicom'', either in Canada or abroad.
I would like everyone, in every part of the world, to know how I enjoyed knowing and representing you. Immicom was able to exist thanks to you!
Please accept my thanks for having allowed me to become a temporary member of your family, while assisting you in reaching your destination!
You can rest assured that you will long remain in my thoughts.
Sincerely yours,
Michelle Hébert

Immicom Consultants Inc., Canada.
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